Sunday 18 July 2010

Contrasts in ministry

Became very conscious of the contrasts in the life of a minister.
Yesterday I read a blog-
where Rona shared about the stess of a days placement in training and the difficult visits she had made with the Vicar. Though a difficult day I'm sure it wasn't an unusual day for anyone who is in ministry.
In the last 24 hours in my role as Children and Families worker I have been at a number of events along with the minister. Our 24 hours have been such a contrast to Rona's. Yesterday afternoon was a Beetle Drive- an opportunity to raise money but also to meet with members of the community and the church family. A great time of laughter and fun. Then this morning a service in which I led Junior church. This afternoon we went to the local Pedal car grand prix in which the three of the local churches had got together to enter a team. We came third and felt we had not only had fun but shown that Christians could work together and enjoy themselves. Then this evening was a lovely farewell service for a much loved minister in the Circuit- a time of testimony to God's goodness and of wonderful worship with others.
Life is a balencing act- there are the days of stress and heartbreak but they need to be balenced by days of fun and fellowship which refresh us and give us the strength to go back out and continue to share the love of Jesus in the difficult situations.

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