Friday 8 June 2012

Leaver's Service

This morning amidst stormy weather we walked down to church for the last time for a Eucharist. this annual leaver's Service is very moving. Those of us who are leaving wear our cassocks and take our ordination stole to be blessed. The Eucharist continues as normal but the sermon is biased towards guidence for those leaving and the hymns tend to have some relevance- today we had Thine be the Glory and Brother Sister let me serve you. After the Eucharist the Principal prayed for us all, blessed our stoles, and then gave us each a book. We then processed out behind the Altar party through the west door and found that the rain had stopped. Of course there was a lot of hugging, goodbyes and even the odd tear as said farewell. Some left straight away, the rest of us went to the village pub for lunch. What amazed me most was the way this has come so quickly. It seems no time at all since we were at thL Leavers Service last year- and here we are saying good bye ourselves. I was particularly emotional at the Morning prayer as I realised that after so many mornings in chapel I was sitting at my last service there. I have been so blessed and fed by the daily morning prayer and I'm very pleased that I will be able to continue to pray with the clergy of the team where i am going as curate. Now we continue with our packing before moving on Monday. Oh and one piece of good news today- I was told I have passed my dissertation with merit!! I'm thrilled.


  1. Many congratulations on the dissertation.

    I really hope that you continue with the blog - it has been an inspiration to me as I explore my own vocation, and I wish you all the very best with your curacy and beyond.


  2. Thanks Richard- I have decided to try and conmtinue to Blog. In part because I find it useful to reflect in this way and also because I know what help I get from other Blogs.
    Still trying to decide on a name though.

  3. Beyond the Factory?
