Friday 1 October 2010


One of the major themes of being in a Theological college is theological reflections and though major ones will be done with pen and paper in a journal i shall also probably find myself reflecting here as well.
Our first week is over- a week of induction- getting to know the lecturers and other students. I'm blessed to be one of 4 in my year doing an MA and we have decided already that we will meet once a week for an hour in a support group both for study and for personal support and prayer. It is going to be so wonderful to have their support in this work.
Yesterday was a very interesting day- we visited 3 contrasting parishes and I was very surprised at my reaction. I feel very drawn to rural ministry and so expected to find the picturesque abbey in a beautiful village with all its history the one that apopealked. Instead it was the one which was 50 years old , built on an air base - really a large estate but in the muddle of the countryside rather than attached to an urban area. It had all the hall marks though of a rural parish with its problems and deprivation and the vicar was inspiring as an incarnational figure within the community. i expect i shall be learning more from that parish!
Off to compline now- a lovely way to end the day.

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