Thursday 7 October 2010


One of the lovely things about being at Theological college is the worship- 3-4 times a day every day but Saturday. The worship is of many different forms- so today I will have been to Morning prayer, a said Eucharist, evening prayer and compline. Each has a different flavour and touches my spirit in different ways but to each I bring a whole hearted love of God and a desire to please Him. Yesterday we had the weekly college sung Eucharist. I have loved all the services but something about yesterdays service touched me, moved me and fed me as non of the others had. I'm not sure if it was the choice of music which was played by a music group rather than on an organ (wonderful as our organist is) or whether it was the sermon which challenged as no other had since I started here.
Worship of course is a very personal thing and we each bring to a service something of our past, our likes and dislikes but I know I wasn't the only one who came out saying how moved we were by the service. I look forward to many more such moments.
Today our lectures were an Introduction to worship followed by Spirituality both of which informed my reflection on yesterdays experience.
Off this weekend for a quick trip north to Haworth so K can attend an AGM. It will be good to have some time together away from the college and back into the world.

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