So here we are, Advent has started and we are waiting. Waiting for the second coming of our Lord, waiting for Christmas and the birth of our Saviour, waiting for the end of term, waiting to see family again, waiting to hear more about curacy. The sermon on Sunday morning given by my friend the other sacristan, talked about NOT being busy because Jesus is coming. He suggested taking time to prepare, time to be silent, time to wait on God and listen to Him as we prepare for Christmas. I would love to take a couple of days for a silent retreat but can't see it happening anytime soon.
However I will be spending a few days up north, seeing my curacy again, spending a day with other Ordinands and the Bishop, enjoying company of friends and family and then back to college to write the rest of my last portfolio and starting the reading for my dissertation. then once Christmas is over I shall return to Lancashire with two of my sons to visit my mum. All great fun.
When we return to college in January we have just 5 months before we leave and begin the next stage of this wonderful journey. Yikes 5 months- will I really be ready!! Well after all the waiting to get here I trust that God will have done the work He wanted in me and that I will be ready to let Him take me on to the next stage. I will never be ready to go it on my own. That is one of the things I become more and more aware of, the deep need I have to rely on God and let his Holy Spirit lead me.