My priesting with my Training Incumbent |
Sunday evening service at Wirksworth was such a wonderful blessing. The way things worked out my last Sunday coincided with the annual Epiphany carol service which includes the reading of the arrival of the Magi, Water into Wine and the Baptism of Jesus- all with symbolic acts and suitable carols, acclamations and much moving around the church. normally there are about 30 people there and everyone processes. Yesterday we expected over a hundred- in the end we had 146 including 5 children so only the servers and clergy processed, everyone stayed in their places. It was such a privilege to lead this final service with such a large congregation and in particular to have the children I trained act as thurifer and acolyte. Although it was my last service I wasn't really conscious of that element until after the prayers for leaving led by the Rector my training Incumbent. After those during the last hymn which I had chosen- Lord for the Years- I had to walk to the altar ready to bless the congregation. As I walked up our very long choir and chancel I was very conscious of walking away from the people I have grown to love over the last three and half years and came quite close to tears. However I held it together for the blessing. we then partied and I was blessed with cards and gifts.
And the farewell yesterday |
Now we are on the last part of the journey - carpets were fitted in some rooms today, the gas fitter returned to do the gas inspection and change some taps- more tomorrow along with hopefully the resolution of the problem for the cooker. Meanwhile new tasks for my new parishes keep arriving- and I lose internet access on Wednesday so many will have to wait until after I am licensed.
Today as I drove back from the new Rectory the enormity of the coming change hit me- amI ready- no- will I be good enough- no but as we prayed last night- with the help of God and the blessing of His Spirit I will be.
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