Monday 20 December 2010

Essays :(

One aspect of college life I'm not enjoying is writing essays. I have just about finished the first one of 6000 words and have made a tentative start on the second- part of a portfolio which is slightly more complicated. I went down with a bug as I reached the end of the first one and so have had a break since last Wednesday. Since then the snow has come and so though now fully recovered I'd far rather be out tramping in the snow. That said I am determined to get on with them and have them both finished by the 11th January. As there is Christmas and a trip north to fit in I should of course be working now!
Also been enjoying college community life in the holidays. On Saturday evening one of my fellow students invited us round for mulled wine and nibbles and we had a lovely time. We've also watched the families toboggan down the field in front of our flat- much warmer watching from the window.
Yesterday we spent at my placement church- morning service which was attended by less than a third of the normal congregation then we went into Wallingford for a coffee and wander before returning for the Carol service. the church was pretty full which I was pleased about though it did make me wonder if most people stayed away in the morning not because of snow but because they only wanted to go to church once on a Sunday!!!! Carol service was very traditional and lovely for it, but still gave me food for thought as to how I would change things to make it more user friendly and move more smoothly. One of the draw backs of training is that I seem to constantly be thinking now how would I do that rather than fully engaging in worship. I hope I soon get beyond that!!

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