As a curate one of the things I have to do before I am 'signed off' by the Bishop is produce a portfolio which consists of reflections on the 40 criteria I need to fulfil in order to be considered a fully trained priest. I have 12 more months to complete that portfolio but am already panicking at being able to do the reflections.
Todays reread of the early blogs showed me that I am capable if I put my mind to it and open myself up the God's spirit.
Perhaps I should follow a friends example and set myself a criteria a week to blog about in a reflective way in order to get to the point where I can complete my portfolio.
The portfolio aside I was asked yesterday if I was looking for my next post yet! I actually can't start looking for another year but that doesn't stop me beginning to consider what sort of place I think God may be calling me to. I'm sure more reflections on that will follow, but at the moment I still feel strongly called to rural ministry - but perhaps not 10 parishes! I also have to consider my husbands needs when looking for a parish. That will all follow in the coming months.
For now I am looking forward to 48 hours off- and the Saturday will be spent on my own in which I am planning to get away from home and spend some quality time just me and God.