Friday, 30 March 2012

Reasons for blogging

When I started blogging back in June 2010 one of the reasons was to give help and information for anyone else looking to walk the same path. I'd received a great deal of encouragement from reading the blog of someone who was already at college. Yesterday I received an email from someone who has read this blog and found it helpful as they travel towards BAP and possible training. Today I met them as they came to college to look round and have an interview. It was a great joy to know that my burbling away ( or reflecting if I'm being serious) has been useful to someone else.
The last week has been a holiday from college and dissertation. First a visit to Derbyshire to revisit the house and measure up for curtains and remind myself of what size the rooms are. I also met with my Training Supervisor and filled in the diary from now until Christmas, including the first sermon and school assembly. Suddenly it all felt real! The holiday then continued with visits to family and friends.
Now its back to work on the dissertation- a day in the library yesterday making notes and today typing up my ideas on sacred space.
91 days until ordination, 70 until we move !!!


  1. Hope you enjoyed your visit!

  2. We did very much thank-you. I'd actually looked around before, but yesterday was an opportunity for a) the family to decide whether they want to be there, b) speak to the bursar to see if they have suitable accommodation and c) speak to Martyn to see if they're prepared to offer me a place (dependant on BAP).

    I'm glad to say that the answers were a) yes, b) yes and c) yes!!

    I just have the BAP to go now (4th - 6th June).

  3. Will pray for yo0u as you go through the BAP process.
